Certificates and awards
If you want to grow and move forward, you must set goals and compete against others. Which is why we seek certification and take part in competitions.

Schöck adopts an overall approach to environmental protection, with an environmental strategy aimed at reducing emissions, waste and wastewater, and specific efforts to promote environmentally conscious behaviour among the staff. Environmental aspects – the conscious use of materials, consumables and production processes – are considered as early as the product development phase. The company never loses sight of the issue of environmental compatibility throughout a product's entire life cycle, right up to and including the use of the products. The environment management system at Schöck has been certified in accordance with ISO 14001.

European ISO 9001 certification confirms the superb quality of Schöck products and services. The entire organisational structure and workflows throughout the company were documented and examined to ensure the superb quality of all products, processes and services. The aim was to make all processes reproducible, traceable and measurable. The uppermost aim of validating all processes in house and externally was to significantly raise the satisfaction of our customers, partners and staff.

The aim of ISO 50001 is to continuously improve the energy footprint of companies and organisations, to optimise their energy efficiency and energy utilisation, and to reduce costs. Schöck has developed an environmental strategy that applies throughout the group and which describes the company's commitment to responsible energy management and to optimising the energy efficiency of the company's plants and systems. An energy management system has been put in place and certified in accordance with ISO 50001.

Schöck consciously invests in health and safety at work. Top priority is given to preventing injuries and illnesses. A health and safety management system is in place with the aim of preventing work-related injuries and illnesses, and generally protecting the health of the staff in the workplace. Regulations are defined in various guidelines and standards that have been certified in accordance with BS OHSAS 18001.

A building’s sustainability can be assessed by calculating the environmental performance for each component. These environmental product declarations (EPDs) provide the data groundwork for an environmental building assessment. The EPD contains data about the environmental performance of a building product, from manufacturing to disposal. Schöck makes various EPDs available to planners, architects and builders. They are issued by the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e. V. (IBU).